Files (Google Drive)

Downloading a Shared Folder from Google Drive

  1. Open Google Drive: Go to and log in with your Google account.

  2. Locate the Shared Folder: Look for the folder that I've shared with you. It should be listed in your "Shared with me" section.

  3. Click on the Folder: This will open the folder's contents.

  4. Select Files or the Entire Folder: If you want to download specific files, select them individually. To download the entire folder, click on the checkbox next to the folder's name.

  5. Download: Click the "Download" button located in the top right corner of the screen.

  6. Choose a Destination: Select the location on your computer where you want to save the files.

  7. Start Download: Click "Save" to begin downloading the files.

Extract Files from Downloaded Folder

  1. Locate the ZIP File: Go to your Downloads folder and find the .zip file.

  2. Extract the ZIP File:
    Windows: Right-click the .zip file, select "Extract All...", and click "Extract."
    Mac: Double-click the .zip file to automatically extract it.
    Linux: Right-click the .zip file and select "Extract Here," or use the terminal with unzip

  3. Access the Files: Open the extracted folder to access your files.

  4. Optional: Delete the original .zip file to save space.